Dobell House
The original section of what is now Dobell House, was built in the 1920s initially by Dobell's father. It was known as "Allawah" and is believed to have been designed by Dobell while he was an apprenticed architect. It was then later purchased by William from his father's estate in 1942.
The house was constructed from local materials of sand and gravel found from the nearby foreshore. It is a distinctive example of an original "lake house".
Over the years there have been many changes in floor levels and various additions. All of the paintings Dobell completed between 1945 and 1970, except for one, were painted in his home and studio. Dobell House is heritage listed on the Local Environment Plan of the Lake Macquarie Council and has been on the Register of National Estate since 1999.
Dobell House is situated at:
47 Dobell Drive Wangi Wangi, NSW, 2267
Hodges-Linton, Betty 1994, Dobell House, B Hodges-Linton, Wangi Wangi [N.S.W.]
Lee, Nola & Burgess, Myra & Pearson, Lorna & Southlakes Christian Women's Group 1987, Wangi Wangi and its people : a local history, Southlakes Christian Women's Group, Wangi Wangi, N.S.W
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