Marks Point
Name Origin:
Named after Charles Marks who had an orchard there.
European History
Early Land Grants:
Portion 29 (Kahibah Parish) of 33 acres granted to Henry Marks on 17/6/1876. Portion 68 of 39 acres granted to Henry Marks on 9/1/1882. Henry sold his land to his brother Charles in 1885.
Early Subdivisions:
D.P.5201, declared on 15/12/1902 comprised large lots along the western end of Marks Point Road. D.P.5755, declared on 14/10/1909, comprised smaller lots on the southern side of Marks Point Road. Marks Point was a popular site and land sold well.
Early European Settlers:
Henry and Charles were brothers of Maurice Marks, an early settler in Belmont. Henry bought the land at the Point and he and Charles went into partnership in an orchard. In 1885 he sold this to Charles, who lived on at Marks Point until he died.
Early Industries:
The Marks brothers' orchard grew oranges and pineapples. In the 1920's there were still market gardens run by Chinese residents near the present Marks Point School. Charlie Hollis operated a slipway and marine business in Edith Street from 1954 to 1980, when it became Marks Point Marina.
Early Transport:
By water or by sandy dray tracks to Newcastle or Swansea.
First Point Office:
Opened as a non-official post office on 1 January 1927. Prior to this date it operated as a receiving office.
First School:
Three primary schools now serve the educational needs of the children living in the Marks Point, Pelican and Blacksmiths area. Pelican Flat Public School Karog St Pelican; Blacksmiths Public School Amaroo St Blacksmiths; Marks Point Public School Findon St Marks Point. The history of these schools is complex. The following excert from Wal Drain's book A History of Blacksmiths outlines this.
"In the 1930's there were very few children of school age living in the Pelican, Blacksmiths and Marks Point areas, those children that were eligible for school, either went to Swansea or Belmont. But as the three townships slowly expanded it could be seen that in years to come these three towns would one day link up, it was apparent at least that one school was needed to ease the burden of the influx of children to the Belmont and Swansea Schools, and it had to be built in a central position to serve the three townships. So after much discussion and earnest consideration it was decided it would be situated in a picturesque bushland setting at the corner of Pacific Highway and Soldiers Road (Eastern side of Highway). The school was built to cater for the children in the Marks Point, Pelican and Blacksmiths area. Established in 1938 it was first named Marks Point Public School, Mr Austin Hayes being the first Principal. The school would have its name changed from Marks Point Public School to Pelican Flats Public School on the 7/9/1950.
In 1954 saw the opening of yet another school, this time at Marks Point, where the children would enroll from Pelican Flats School as the children did for the Blacksmiths School. This school would serve the needs of the Marks Point and Belmont South area. The school would remain in use on the Highway site until September 1955, when the school children would be transferred to the present day site at Pelican where the new school was built, it would still keep its name of Pelican Flats Public School.
With the development of more housing blocks in the Blacksmiths and Pelican areas resulted in an increase in enrolments at the school. Blacksmiths Community Hall was utilised to cater for the influx of new pupils. These extra classes at the hall would be part of Pelican School, until early 1962 when enrolments would take place for the new school at Blacksmiths.The pupils attending the Blacksmiths Community Hall in 1962 would be part of Blacksmiths Public School until the completion of their new school when they would be transferred on the 11/9/62. Mr L Smith was the first Principal of Blacksmiths School, working from the Community Hall closely followed by Mr L Lovelock who would work from the Hall also and then transferred to the new Blacksmiths School.
The above information was obtained from the History Section of the NSW Department of Education Library at Sydney and a booklet of the Pelican Flats School 1938-1988. "
Water Supply:
Nilson, Laurie, Leis, Susan, Noble, Rodney and Lake Macquarie (N.S.W.). Council Lake Macquarie : past and present. Lake Macquarie City Council, [Boolaroo, N.S.W.], 1985.
Streets in Marks Point
- Ashley Street
- Cygnet Street
- Davis Street
- Delando Crescent
- Docker Street
- Edith Street
- Emily Street
- Findon Street
- Haddon Crescent
- Harlow Street
- Jobson Lane
- Marks Parade
- Marks Point Road
- Naru Crescent
- Naru Street
- Pacific Highway
- Reid Street
- Sandcastle Lane
- Shannon Street
- Swan Street
- Village Bay Close
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