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Further Research

What other categories are used by TROVE?

Find three newspapers that cover the period 1914 to 1919.

Find an example of a war story.


Spell all words correctly

Try alternate spelling

Use fewer keywords

Use the advanced search function

Enclose search terms in quotation marks

Use years not actual precise dates that could be wrong.

Depending on your state and obviously your ancestor’s state your State

Library will provide extra valuable information. The State Library of

NSW is likely to be useful to NSW residents, while the 9


Brigade can

find some coverage in the Queensland State Library as the 36



contained a proportion of Queenslanders, unlike other Battalions in that

Brigade (33




and 35


) who represented the Hunter and the north west

of NSW.

In 2016 the NSW State library was exhibiting a wide range of

photographs associated with the war and the involvement of Australians.

While censorship ensured the “wrong messages” didn’t go home, the

novelty of the cameras at the time of the war ensured many photographs

were taken.


Many books have been written about World War 1 and the conditions

faced by soldiers on all sides. Most of these books provide an additional

insight into the war and its “personal effect” on soldiers of the AIF.

For example, Harry Hartnett, a soldier from Inverell produced a


Over The Top

based on World War I diaries. His relatives

have presented the manuscript to Chris Bryett who has produced an edited

version. In the process of this collaboration a personal, informative and

very readable description of the AIF involvement in World War I has

been developed.

In a chronological approach Harry covers a wide variety of issues facing

our soldiers both at the front and elsewhere.

Some of the stories he relates include: